Like all other silver coins struck after 1873, the Barber Half Dollar is struck from a composition of 90% silver and 10% copper. When in uncirculated condition, the coins should weigh 12.50 grams (193 grains) with a diameter of 30.6 mm. All pieces have a reeded edge.

Barber Half Dollars were struck at a number of different Mints: Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco and Denver. For the latter three, the mint mark is found on the reverse of the coin, beneath the eagle’s tail feathers.
Although far from being among the most popular series for collectors, Barber Half Dollars have gained some popularity in recent times. Collectors have discovered that many pieces have been dipped, cleaned, or otherwise mistreated. As such, this is one of the few series where original EF pieces are often much harder to find than medium quality mint state pieces. The circulated pieces in highest demand are those toned to a natural dark-grey color, which has proven to be very hard to find for all dates in the series.
Dates: 1892-1915
Mint Mark: none (Philadelphia), D (Denver), O (New Orleans), S (San Francisco)
Composition: 90% silver, 10% copper
Weight: 12.50 grams
Diameter: 30.6 mm
Edge: reeded
Designer: Charles E. Barber